From Tenant to Community Manager: Hayden Collier's Unique Journey with New Ground Living

Hayden Collier enjoys renting from New Ground Living so much he now works for the company.

Working from home has been the norm for many people in recent years, but for Hayden Collier, the lines between home and work are even more blurred. His landlord is also his employer.

A Unique Living and Working Experience

Hayden works from home at Uku Lane in Hobsonville Point for build-to-rent pioneer, New Ground Living. “My role is like a property manager, but because of New Ground’s build-to-rent strategy, I am a community manager. It’s taking care of a community of people, rather than individual properties,” he explains.

From Tenant to Community Manager

Hayden is the go-to person for his neighbours, and he also manages homes in Hobsonville Point’s Kerepeti precinct, and tenancies in Whenuapai on behalf of the New Zealand Defence Force.

Hayden started his role with New Ground in May 2023 after 12 years as general manager of iStore NZ. He knew what he was getting into with his new job because he has rented from New Ground since 2019, enjoying the security of tenure the company offers. Renters can opt for tenancy agreements of up to 10 years. Should their plans change, the notice period is 56 days.

Building a Strong Community at Uku Lane

Tenants can have pets, and Hayden lives with his SPCA rescue cat, Maple. “I wouldn’t rent from anyone else now,” Hayden says.

The 35-year-old has been renting since he was 18, apart from a stint owning a home with a former partner. “Before now, most of the homes I’ve rented were built in the 70s or 80s, with no insulation, and mould everywhere, with really high rents. Three or four times I’ve rented a place and then a few months later, they’ve listed it for sale, and I’ve had to move out. That happened here in Hobsonville Point in early 2019 and that’s when I found New Ground.”

He was browsing TradeMe and saw New Ground’s rental listings. “I looked at New Ground’s website and read about who they are and what they’re doing. I knew build-to-rent was in Australia, but I’d never seen it in New Zealand, so that was quite cool.”

Embracing the Build to Rent Model

As a tenant, Hayden has enjoyed the community from the outset. “One day I was sitting out on the balcony, and I could smell someone’s baking. I posted on the building’s Facebook page and asked whose baking it was. It was a little bit cheeky, but my neighbour said, ‘it’s my banana muffins. Would you like one?’ They literally threw one on to my balcony and I caught it. That was our first introduction.”

He appreciated then-community manager Belinda’s warmth and friendliness and “non- invasive” four-monthly property inspections. Now that he’s community manager himself, Hayden follows the same approach. He can’t inspect his own place though – his colleague does that for him!

“My home is warm and dry and it’s probably the healthiest home I’ve ever lived in.”

Innovative Technology in Property Management

Hayden started working for New Ground after he saw the community manager role on a job- alert email. “I’d done some property management work for my father in the past, so I applied for the job through the usual channels, but I included a cover letter saying I was a New Ground tenant and I admired what they were doing and the build-to-rent strategy.”

Co-founder and Head of New Ground Living, Brian Collins contacted Hayden and said it was nice to see a familiar name. “I met Brian for a chat at a local café and then I went into the city office and met the team. I think I got an endorsement from Belinda saying I would be a perfect fit for the role based on her interactions with me, so that was great. I think I’ve hit the ground running.”

Balancing Home and Work Life

Hayden says his role with New Ground has similarities with his former tech business. “Apple products are tools for connecting with people and enriching their lives. And that’s really what got me out of bed, seeing a spark in somebody’s eye when you show them a new feature on a phone. It’s a similar thing with community management. It’s helping give people a lifestyle built around long-term security – and that’s really rewarding.”

Hayden's Vision for the Future

Hayden’s tech know-how has seen him work on tailoring the MyLiving app with its developers for New Ground’s brand-new Moroki build-to-rent homes in Glen Innes. The app is designed to be a one-stop-shop, and Moroki tenants can use it to book the community barbecue, send queries to their community manager, get utility bills in one place, redeem deals at local businesses, and even unlock their front doors. Hayden even put together the MyLiving app’s explainer video on the New Ground website.

He’s also handy with a drone, capturing footage of Moroki. “In my first chat with Brian about the job I told him I like doing tech stuff and he told me to be careful what I wish for,” says Hayden, with a smile. “It’s true. I have been very busy!”

New Ground Capital

New Ground is an investment manager specialising in investments that generate financial returns alongside social and environmental impact. NZ’s first specialist institutional build-to-rent provider, they have been developing and managing modern rental developments with security of tenure since 2014.

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